Thursday, March 01, 2007

Lawnmowers and grasscycling

Lawnmowers & grasscycling
What is grasscycling? Grasscycling is the natural recycling of grass clippings by leaving clippings on the lawn after mowing. There is no need to bag them, just cut it and leave it! Grass clippings make up a significant part of our waste stream, and there are only limited areas to dispose of them. Be a part of the solution, while at the same time, save time and money plus have a healthier lawn! Proper mowing is essential. Avoid mowing more than one-third of the lawn height. To grasscycle, a special mower is not needed. Regular lawn mowers can be used to grasscycle effectively by removing the collection bag and adding a blade adapter, which will cut up and pulverize grass even more finely. Grasscycling provides up to one-half of the nitrogen needed by a lawn. When you rake them up, you rob your lawn of food.

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