Sunday, October 29, 2006

Organic Garden Pest Spray

Organic Garden Pest Spray
The most inexpensive way to make a quart of garden pest spray is by mixing water with one spoon of dishwashing soap and one cup of cooking oil. When taking up organic gardening, you start to feel that you are really doing something useful for the environment and for your health, and the satisfaction is rewarding. Saving money is the other great privilege that an organic gardening practitioner feels over the others.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Compost Key to Nutrition

Compost Key to Nutrition
Who would think that there is a link between well-makde compost and nutrition? We are literally what we eat! There are 23 elements needed for human health that come from healthy soil and are converted by plants. These nutrients include amino acids, carbohydrates, essential fats, vitamins, minerals, enzymnes, and fiber. When plants are grown properly in nutrient-rich soil, their absorption of these 23 mineral nutrients can be maximized, boosting the nutrition of the food. So keep adding that compost to your garden it's good for the soil and you!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Alternative to raking leaves out with the trash


Consider alternatives to raking leaves out with trash, needlessly ...Birmingham News - Birmingham,AL,USA... Composting at home saves transportation and disposal costs and provides an environmentally sound way to manage yard waste.

Composting ...