Thursday, October 25, 2007


Orchids seem to have superseded African violets as the popular flowering houseplant, but we still see the bread-and-butter plant family of Aroids-such as pothos and philodendron, Boston and Dallas ferns, ficus trees and parlor palms. Whatever the choice, there are a few basics that must be followed to keep the plants healthy and beautiful. Determine the preferred light level, temperature and watering schedule. African violets thrive in bright shade or dapple sun in a north or east window. They also do well under lights with warm white and cool white fluorescent fixtures. Popular vining plants will enjoy moderate shade. Ferns don't like it as dark as some believe. They appreciate morning sun. Ficus trees need full sun to thrive, and the palms enjoy bright shade and morning sun. No matter what the gardener's preference, the plants must be kept clean so they can manufacture their food from the applied fertilizer. They can be wiped with a moist soft cloth or paper towel or set in the sink and given a shower. More on houseplants next time.

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