Why Compost?
Nothing warms a gardener’s heart like the sight of compost, the rich, organic material made from recycled vegetable peelings, grass clippings, leaves, twigs, and even coffee grounds. The gardener who has only a few Big Boy tomato plants in between Dark Red Irene geraniums and Bells of Ireland still appreciates a ripe pile of black, nutritious dirt.
Recycling is more popular than ever as conspicuous consumption gives way to a growing ecological awareness. Creating a compost pile, even a simple one, contributes to a healthier ecosystem. The person who recycles cans, glass, and newspapers, and who composts vegetable peelings, leaves, grass clippings, and so on, has taken a small step toward ecological balance. Once you start recycling, you will be reluctant to throw even one apple peeling into the garbage. Besides, most town dumps no longer take any yard waste: grass clippings, leaves and weeds, twigs, and basic yard material. More tomorrow...