Don’t lose your cool over summer pests
America’s most popular home crops, including tomatoes, corn, peppers, squash, melons and beans, demand the heat of the summer to produce their fruit. To get the most productive output from your garden during these months, you’ll want to be vigilant about a few things.
First, make sure your plants are getting adequate water. Most plants need 1 to 1 1/2 inches each week. Soaker hoses are a great way to deliver this water to the plant through drip irrigation as the water seeps out slowly. This method is very effective because it places the water at the soil level. Evaporation is eliminated, the root zone is soaked and the foliage stays dry.
Besides drought, the other major threat to your garden in the summer is pests. Fortunately, there are several ways to control any pests you may find. First, inspect your garden as often as you can to control populations and minimize damage as early as possible.
Be sure to identify the bug you think may be a pest. Only about three percent of bugs and insects are considered pests. The others are beneficials (good for the garden) or neutral. Whenever possible, handpick any pests you can. Dropping the offenders into a cup of soapy water will finish the job. This works well for most pests including squash bugs, potato beetles, and cutworms.
In my opinion, the second line of defense in pest control is to use the least-toxic methods available. This includes organic controls such as B.T or Bacillus thuringiensis. B.T is a bacteria that when ingested, paralyzes the digestive tract of certain insect larvae. B.T products are pest specific, so they don’t harm beneficial insects, and they are non-toxic to mammals.
Next in your arsenal of pest defenses should be insecticidal or horticultural oils. These products are derived from plant and petroleum oils, which kill eggs and immature stages of insects by blocking their supply of oxygen. Don’t apply these products to plants during times when temperatures are below 40 or above 85 degrees or when plants are under stress. Applications at these times can damage the plants.
Insecticidal soaps are another good choice, comprised mostly of fatty acids. These products act on contact by paralyzing the insects and work well for pests such as aphids, whiteflies and spider mites.
The best time to apply insecticides is in the evening. At this time, most pollinating insects have retired for the night, and pollen-filled flowers have closed until morning.
By then, much of the toxicity has broken down, and exposure to beneficials will be greatly reduced. Do not apply non-selective pesticides in the morning as this would certainly wipe out many lady beetles, soldier bugs and pollinating insects such as honey and bumblebees.
Summer is a great time to garden. Remember, knowledge is power. The more you know about gardening, the more confidence you’ll have to accept and welcome the challenges you’ll face.